I get asked loads of weird and wonderful questions from people looking to start Krav Maga but by far the cleanest and most common is “Do I need to be fit to start”? This is a loaded question, on the one hand of course the fitter you are the better chance you have of defending […]
To Be A Machine You Need The Right Type Of Fuel
Something I get asked on a regular basis from people, students, and other instructors is how do I get rid of this?? (Grabs belly and gives it a shake). It’s normally just before a grading or a training camp or a holiday. The problem with that is the time frame. Weight loss, fat loss, building muscle! […]
Do you have the strength to keep on fighting?
On Sunday I held my first ever Strong First Kettlebell workshop roughly 6 months after completing my instructor’s course. Better late than never I suppose. It was aimed at beginners and covered the hard style swing and the Turkish Get up (TGU). I had been meaning to put something on for a while but life […]
Whats stopping you?
I get a lot of emails, posts, private messages on Facebook and also text messages from people asking about the Krav Maga classes we teach at Shield. The majority of those people say that they are going to come and give it a try. I’ve even had close friends tell me how they need to […]
It’s what we teach that counts!
I started training Karate when I was 5 years old, my dad was an instructor and I would train 2-3 times a week. I would go up a hall doing punches or kicks or blocks, turn and then go back down a hall again. I would do this all whilst learning to count to ten […]
Krav What?
Krav What??? Krav Manga? …. Krav Mcgraw?…. ‘Kravmaggaaaa? I have heard just about every variation of the system I teach. It is actually called Krav Maga which simply means Contact Combat. There is a link at the end of this blog which will give you more information on the system. I started training Krav Maga […]
Game Changer
Hi guys and welcome to the first post from Shield Krav Maga, we want to take this opportunity to introduce our new brand and to give you an insight into where we are and where we want to be. During our time as krav maga Lanarkshire we have opened and established clubs in East Kilbride […]