womens weightloss Name* First Last Email* PhoneOn a scale of 1-10 how do you feel about your body right now?*on a scale of 1-10 how are your energy levels right now*what are your biggest frustrations when it comes to weightloss*Please be as detailed as possible, knowing what to eat, how to train etc.How much do you think you have spent trying to reach your goals?*How does that make you feel*What are your goals right now?*weighloss goals, health goals, body image goals etcWhat do you think is stopping you from achieving your goals?*Please give as much detail as possible. what stops you from losing weight, exercising etc.What would you ideally look for in a weightloss programme?* Sustainable weightloss Support and guidance from a like minded group Non intimidating environment People asking if i had lost weight All of the above What have you tried in the past?* Gym, Exercise classes, Bootcamp Slimming world, weight watchers Home exercise DVDs Meal replacement diets, shake diets Personal trainer Celeb diets Low carb diets, atkins diet, fasting diet etc Calorie restricting diet